Careers / Jobs at Embroidery Company
Employment Opportunities
The information collected from you will be used for the purpose of your job application and our review of suitable candidates. If your application is unsuccessful for desired position, we may nonetheless keep your personal records and information for other relevant positions within iEmbroidery company. Please Note: all information given to iEmbroidery company in connection with above advert(s) will be treated strictly confidential!
At Embroidery Company we truly believe that people are our most valuable assets! That is why we feel it is so important to retain and develop talent by nurturing challenging careers, creating an exciting work environment and providing opportunities to learn and grow. Embroidery Company position as a pacesetter is shaped by dynamism, energy and performance — our people push the boundaries of available technology by developing flawless and innovative custom embroidery services for the global market. The people who power us reflect the diversity of the company’s international operation. In total, 6 languages are spoken by company employees. The workforce is young, with an average age of 39 years.
If you want to become one of our team and have a challenging and rewarding career, ACT NOW by sending us your resume including employment history, qualifications, present and expected salary and contact details to Embroidery Com LTD, Attn: Human Resources Department. Alternatively, you can apply on-line by sending your resume. This is the most convenient and fastest way to approach us.
*Please quote respective Ref-No: on all correspondence. All applications will be treated strictly confidential.
Below, please find our current list of vacancies:
!!! Freelance Embroidery Designer Wanted !!!
– Ref-No: Emb/P-F/21 Embroidery Digitizer:
We’re looking for an detail-oriented embroidery designer with a compatible design aesthetic who has at least 1 to 2 years active design experience and some real-life work history. Strong proficiency with Pulse (.pxf) or Wings (.ngs or .mls) Embroidery Software required.
The right candidate have to work independently from its home – respective design jobs will be dispatched via Email delivery before 8am Myanmar Time and should be returned to us within some 24 hours time period (Monday till Saturday).
Please submit some cover entry, small resume, 2 to 4 embroidery reference files (not more than 8000 stitches each file including small lettering, adjusted for polo material – Format: pxf, ngs, mls or dst).
Apply On-Line (Subject: Career Request): click here
– Ref-No: Adm/MAN-A/21 Management Assistant (female):
Position requirements: reporting directly to the chairman with full responsibility for our international sales organisation managed out of the capital city Yangoon — you will be tasked with delivering sustainable and profitable growth for our business.
You will have:
A proven and successful track record with at least 2 years experience in the sales and marketing of industrial equipment and/or services.
Experience of working in an international company.
A good understanding and empathy for technical issues.
You will be:
Well educated, preferably to University degree level with fluent professional/business English (basic German language skills would be considered a advantage).
Flexible and comfortable working in an organisation where there are several different product lines and a significant aftermarket business.
A good communicator and inspirational manager — an articulate and persuasive executive with excellent presentation skills.
This position is open for any qualified female candidate interesting in a challenging career with a dynamic global player.
– Ref-No: Emb/P-S/21 Digitizing Supervisor / Trainer (male / female):
(Pulse DG/ML or WINgs embroidery software applications)
iEmbroidery, a leading manufacturer of decorated apparel, is looking for a Digitizing Supervisor. The ideal candidate will have 3–5 years digitizing/supervisory experience and will provide leadership and training in digitizing. He or she will be responsible for maintaining iEmbroidery’s high quality guidelines for multihead embroidery and teaching digitizing techniques.
The right candidate must be able to effectively manage many different responsibilities at once combined with strong organizational skills. He or she must have a thorough knowledge of the embroidery manufacturing process in order to create the highest quality designs possible.
Qualified candidates, please submit your resume and salary expectations by filling out respective e-mail application form.
– Ref-No: Mhm/IPS-M/21 Production Supervisor (Night Shift, male / female):
Position requirements: oversee all aspects of embroidery production (Tajima Machines), design digitizing experience, reasonable good PC skills (Coral Draw, Photoshop, Illustrator as well as Microsoft Office); Applicant need to be at least 28–35 years old with a minimum of 5 years of hands-on experience. He or she must possess the indefinite right to live and work in our country.
– Ref-No: Adm/HUR-M/21 Human Resources, Training Manager (female):
Position requirements: excellent command of english language and typing skills; PC Skills (Word and Excel); organizational and interpersonal skills; knowledge of local labour laws; previous experience essential, ability to develop inhouse training programmes; Applicant need to be at least 30 years old as well as must possess the indefinite right to live and work in our country.
– Ref-No: Emb/P/21 Embroidery Puncher / Digitizer (male / female):
Applicants must have a minimum of 2 years hands-on work experience in our field and should have substantial knowledge of at least one of the major embroidery software applications. Applicants also need to be at least 21 years old and should have a good standard of Windows PC computer skills (fair command of english language) as well as possess the indefinite right to live and work in our country.
– Ref-No: Vec/GD/21 Graphic Designer (male / female):
Position requirements: fair command of english language and typing skills; excellent standard of Windows PC computer knowledge (Windows 8.1, 10, Mac OS X, Photoshop, Illustrator, Coral Draw, etc); Applicants need to be at least 21 years old as well as must possess the indefinite right to live and work in our country.
– Ref-No: Adm/AD-A/21 Administrative Assistant (female):
Position requirements: good command of english language and typing skills; PC Skills (Word and Excel); organizational and interpersonal skills. Applicants need to be at least 21 years old as well as must possess the indefinite right to live and work in our country.
– Ref-No: Sh/B-M/21 Shop-Boutique Manageress (female):
Position requirements: good command of english language; previous experience in luxury or fashion goods required; well groomed, pleasant personality and service-orientated; Applicant need to be at least 26 years old as well as must possess the indefinite right to live and work in our country.
August 7, 2014 @ 5:19 PM
Careers / Jobs at iEmbroidery